Search Search Search We're sorry, but we couldn't find any results that match your search criteria. Please try again with different keywords or filters. Loading Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Letter S Sam Holloway Head of Protective Security, Homeland Security Group Sam Olsen Vice President, Adarga Research Institute (ARI) Sarah Hayes Deputy Chair of the CSC DE&I Board. HR Director for Securitas. Co-Founder of Running on Empty, Securitas UK Lady Sarah Jane Cork Chief Growth Officer, City Group Security Sarah Schubert Chair, Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM) Satia Rai CEO, IPSA | COO, Leverage Security Senior NaCTSO Official National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Senior Officer National Crime Agency, (NCA) Seth Schultz Board and Managing Director - Resilience First. CEO - Resilience Rising Shaun Hipgrave Director Protect and Prepare, CBRNE, Science & Technology, Homeland Security Group (HSG) | UK Home Office Simon Randall CEO, Pimloc Limited Spencer Hunt Assistant Director for Safer & Partnerships, North East Lincolnshire Council Sergeant Srgt Peter Lucas Disruptive Effects Engagement & Partnerships Lead, National Disruptive Effects Unit – City of London Police / NaCTSO Stephen Cooper OBE Chief Operating Officer, APSTEC Systems Steve Bailes Business Development Manager, Zaun Limited Superintendent Superintendent Amanda King Head of NaCTSO, National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) Supt. Kish Naidoo Deputy National Coordinator, Protect & Prepare, National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO)