AI-driven video analytics with real-time event alerts For enhanced safety, security & identification
Peek behind the scenes to witness how much abuse our products take in order to be considered worthy of the forced entry, blast, ballistic, fire, and windstorm labels we attribute to them.
Remark AI for detecting fire and Smoke Remark AI uses artificial intelligence and computer vision to detect and identify hazardous smoke and fire.
In this instance Remark AI's video analytics has been integrated with an existing survelliance system. A typical use case: Real-time vandalism detection by monitoring object or people activities
Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task for video survelliance. Remark AI delivers full analytics and operational insights using your existing cameras and systems.
Optimising traffic flow, business operations and the saftey of individuals at scale and speed
Remark AI Smart Safety Platform (SSP) is an AIoT platform performing real-time face, pedestrian, vehicle, and object analytics on existing security cameras with low deployment requirements