As the UK Government’s appointed contractor for the National Barrier Asset (NBA) framework, employing some of the country’s leading experts in event security and Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Hardstaff Barriers were involved in a large-scale operation for the Conservative Party Conference in October 2021.
The 4-day event was held at the Manchester Convention Complex and Hardstaff Barriers were involved in securing the event space and hotel with fencing, gates, pedestrian portals, and barriers to mitigate residual risks on behalf of the National Vehicle Threat Mitigation Unit.
The solution allowed for a secure area where delegates could be accommodated in the hotel and then walk freely to the convention centre, whilst also allowing for secure access for day visitors via a series of search and pass areas.
Jim Cotter, Project Manager for Hardstaff Barriers was involved in the successful deployment alongside a team of specialist installers and explains how recent events has raised awareness of the safety and security needed for delegates and visitors alike.
“With any high-profile events especially those of a political nature, having effective security measures in place to keep people safe whilst allowing for large visitor numbers requires the right expertise and experience of all involved”
Hardstaff Barriers has installed HVM systems in a variety of locations for high-profile events – from reality tv show sets to major sports grounds and parliamentary events such as these party conferences.