The Emergency Planning Society
- Government Organisation
- IT / Command & Control / OT
- Risk, Resilience & Compliance
- Training & Consultancy
The Emergency Planning Society (EPS) is the UK’s leading membership body for professionals working or studying in disaster management, emergency response and resilience. The EPS offers a wide range of benefits for members including free CPD learning, professional publications and networking events. EPS members are drawn from local government, emergency services, commercial business and academia.
The Emergency Planning SocietyThe Hawkhills
North Yorkshire
YO61 3EG
United Kingdom
The EPS Human Aspects and Community Resilience Professional Working Group is hosting a series of ‘events’ under the banner of ‘The Big Conversation’. These events will be open to members and guests of ...
This short video gives an overview of the EPS' most recent two-day conference, The Journey Of Adaptability: Celebrating 30 Years of Emergency Planning and Resilience.
Winter Resilience Magazine
The EPS New Member Brochure
The Spring Edition of the EPS Magazine - Resilience.
Understanding how organisations communicate during a crisis, whether that is crucial information to the public or communicating with staff, or other stakeholders such as partners, suppliers, customers ...