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Mobile Operations

SmartTask Stand: D3
  • Mobile Operations
  • Mobile Operations
Mobile Operations Mobile Operations

Still using paper run-sheets? Scrambling to organise Alarm Responses because you need to call officers first see where they are and if they can attend? Struggling to collate details of services provided leading to missed invoices and errors?
There’s an app for that - Using the right software for your mobile operations could revolutionise your service delivery, reduce paperwork and save time for everyone.

SmartTask Mobile Operations cuts the faff:

  • Full visibility for the Control Room – no more scrambling to respond to call outs
  • App for Officers provides up to the minute information including:
    • Run-sheets
    • assignment instructions
    • alarm response requirements
    • Duty of Care – Missed check in calls alerted
    • Better customer service – more detailed information

Mobile Patrols

Quickly schedule and plan client commitments with Runsheets detailing locks/ unlocks, void property inspections and check-point patrols before sending them to an app on your officers’ phones. Your control room is automatically updated in real-time with progress and notified of check call status. Easily reassign jobs/activities, add site notes as well as assignment instructions. Efficiently process jobs with invoicing and payroll integration.

Alarm Response

Easily find the location, create the call-out and dispatch it to the right officer. Officers get the job details, navigation instructions and access to the site’s assignment instructions & notes in the app on their phone. Once onsite they use electronic forms to take photographs, capture any information needed and submit it all in real-time. Effortlessly record and report on SLAs with the automatic dispatch timer on alarm responses.

Key Holding

SmartTask helps manage Keyholding services in line with BS7984-3 2020. Covering the full lifecycle of key management from initial receipt to disposal. Book keys onto the system, track their seal numbers, location and sign keys in and out to create an audit trail.



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