Global Response
Worldwide protection service for employees at risk
Global Response is an escalation service for at-risk employees wherever they are in the world using the employee safety app. Whether you have staff travelling internationally or working permanently overseas, this service can provide a swift response in an emergency to get help to their location.
How does Global Response work?
Using the Peoplesafe Pro App, the employee raises an SOS alarm which is received by our UK-based Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) as normal.
The ARC Controller will capture all the necessary information and report the incident to the user’s designated escalation contact following the Global Response alarm process established during setup who will then handle the incident. As always, the alarm will only be closed once the Controller is able to confirm the user’s safety.
Customisable service
Optional extras can be added to the Peoplesafe Pro App and Global Response subscription including timed activities and geofencing. Geofence in, Geofence out and Geofence Violation are all compatible with Global Response. Geofence Alarm is not available.
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