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30 Aug 2024

ARX STOPPER!™ Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) Barrier


The ARX STOPPER!™ HVM Barrier is a pedestrian permeable surface mount, PAS68/IWA14 tested hostile vehicle mitigation barrier with NPSA VADS accreditation which is quick and easy to transport, install and recover allowing for a physical protective barrier to be used to protect assets and crowds from hostile vehicle incursions into a protected space. 

The PAS68/IWA14 setup requires 7 ARX STOPPER!™ units to be installed in a chicane arrangement with 1.2m between barriers. Both rows of barriers are physically connected by steel ropes with an acces ramp covering the ropes allowing for crowds to pass through safely.

The barriers are then covered with either a correx or PE moulded cover which can be used for marketing purposes if required. 

Purpose designed stillages store all equipment for ease of storage and deployment.    

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